Spanish A1 Level Vocabulary, Online Spanish A1 Classes, A1 Level Online Classes For Spanish Language

20 Essential Spanish A1 Level Vocabulary You Must Know

There comes a time when learning vocabulary is the only thing left to do when learning a new language. However, most people find it difficult to recall hundreds or even thousands of new words. It makes sense because it takes time to build a large vocabulary.

It is also true, though, that in the majority of languages, a typical day’s worth of conversation does not call for more than one hundred words. Additionally, common words are preferred in matters of travel, education, business, and interpersonal communication.

Any conversation in Spanish almost always requires a working knowledge of the fundamental Spanish A1 Level words. There is a good chance that you use common nouns, verbs, interrogative words, and conversational phrases when you speak to friends, neighbours, and co-workers on a daily basis.

To help you with your conversational Spanish A1 Level Vocabulary, we are going to give you a quick guide to 20 fundamental Spanish words in this article. The fundamental Spanish words found in everyday sentences are included in this list. These ought to be sufficient for you to communicate when you are on the road and provide you with a solid starting point for your Spanish learning process.

You should include these in your vocabulary list or set of flashcards.

List of Easy Spanish Words for Beginners

These days, learning a language does not require enrolling in a traditional language school. With a good study guide, helpful apps, and a few one-on-one lessons to practice conversation, I assure you that it is possible to advance through independent study. And, this way, you can easily improve your Spanish vocabulary. 

Spanish A1 Level Vocabulary, Online Spanish A1 Classes, A1 Level Online Classes For Spanish Language

A1 Spanish Study for Beginners

This simple Spanish words study guide will take you from level zero to the level of not getting lost in a Spanish-speaking country. 

Spanish A1 covers three basic areas: 

  • Grammar
  • Vocabulary
  • Pronunciation 

The grammar you will study is very elementary at the A1 Spanish vocabulary level. Expect no irregularities; you will learn basic regular verbs and simple structures to prepare you for situations where you may be thrust into a Spanish-speaking nation.

List of Easy Spanish Words for Beginners

Let us go over this list of more than 20 words to begin constructing your basic Spanish vocabulary!

The Essentials

It is crucial for any beginning Spanish A1 Level speaker to be aware of the fundamentals. If you have just begun learning, you need to be aware of these words and expressions. Look at the first words in our list of the easy Spanish A1 Level Vocabulary that are used the most frequently. 

  1. sí — yes
  2. no — no 
  3. ¿entiende(s)?- Do you understand?
  4. no entiendo — I don’t understand
  5. no (lo) sé — I don’t know
  6. no tengo ni idea — I have no idea
  7. estoy perdido(a) — i’m lost

Introduce Yourself

One of the best ways to start speaking Spanish is to introduce yourself! These crucial conversation starters are why we included them in our list of the most frequent Spanish words. 

  1. mi nombre es — my name is 
  2. ¿cómo te llamas?- What is your name?
  3. (yo) soy de — I am from…

What’s Up

  1. cómo está usted?- How are you? (formal)
  2. cómo te va? How’s it going?
  3. ¿qué haces? — What are you doing?


Numerous questions can be easily answered using these typical Spanish words and adaptable responses!

  1. muy bien — very well
  1. como siempre — as always

Etiquette Words

  1. ¡de nada! — you’re welcome! / no problem!
  2. ¡disculpe! — excuse me!
  3. ¡lo siento! — sorry! 

Question Words

  1. ¿qué…? — what?
  2. ¿cuál? — which?

Time to Practice

Are you ready?  Would you like to begin your Spanish lessons right away?

Remember that you can sign up for a free class with one of our welcoming, Spanish-speaking teachers if you need assistance or direction with any of the subjects covered in the Spanish study guide above or just want to try out a new skill. Take advantage of this chance to practice in a one-on-one conversation because you learn languages so that you can communicate with others and learn about new cultures and worlds.

Congratulations on taking the first step toward fluency in Spanish!

Easy Spanish Words for Beginners, Spanish Easy A1 Level Words, Spanish A1 Level Vocabulary

Additional Resources for Spanish Vocabulary Learning

Through improved communication, common Spanish words open doors. Your situation will improve the more common vocabulary you know. 

Although there are many excellent resources available, online Spanish courses in Delhi are a great place to start if you want to learn and practice even more everyday Spanish words.

This is a really fantastic resource if your goal is to increase your vocabulary and add common words to your skill set. The focus of SpanishVidya is on teaching Spanish through real-world teaching methods such as a video-based dictionary, quizzes, and personalized flashcards.

All of the pertinent vocabulary is already pre-sorted and labeled, so you can practice your skills on greetings, body parts, shopping lingo, and a variety of other topics. 

Learners are given the chance to take a quiz on what they have just learned at the conclusion of each list. It is a fairly simple and quick process because learners must select the accurate translation of a word for each quiz. A great way to assess your retention of these common words is to quiz yourself. Not just grammar and vocabulary, SpanishVidya aids you in improving your Spanish pronunciation as well. 

You now have a solid foundation for most conversations, thanks to the additional 20 words you have added to your core vocabulary. 

We are aware that picking up a new language can occasionally be difficult. For this reason, we provide some fantastic and original motivational factors for learning Spanish. Check out the latest blog: How To Stay motivated while learning Spanish.  

Therefore, why not also look at some uncommon vocabulary?

Keep learning new words and building that great foundation ahead!


  1. What is the 80/20 rule in Spanish words?

According to the 80/20 rule, learning 20% of the information will get you 80% (or more) of the way to speaking Spanish like a native. The same principle holds true for Spanish grammar, where mastering 20% of the grammar rules will have you speaking the language at an intermediate level.

  1. What do I need to know for Spanish A1?

Learning Spanish at the A1 level requires the following skills:

  • To be able to meet needs, use and comprehend the most fundamental expressions.
  • Introduce oneself, extend a friendly greeting, and inquire about others.
  • When a speaker is speaking slowly and clearly, engage with them.
  • To meet particular needs, one must comprehend and employ common expressions and very fundamental phrases.
  • Ask and answer questions about personal information such as where he/she lives, acquaintances he/she knows, and possessions he/she has.
  1. What are some Spanish words for beginners?

For beginners, some fundamental Spanish words are:

  • Hola — hello
  • Adiós — bye
  • Sí — yes
  • No — no
  • Por favor — please

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